Are Florida Veterans Entitled To Other Benefits In Addition To A Pension?

There are millions of veterans in the United States eligible for benefits they may not be receiving already. Even if you contacted your local Veteran’s Affairs office, you might not know about VA Aid and Attendance benefits. Our attorneys at Millhorn Elder Law Planning Group specialize in assisting veterans and their families to determine eligibility and complete applications. Read on to learn more about Veterans Aid and Attendance.
How Can You Qualify for Veterans Aid and Attendance?
The claimant has the option to choose between special monthly compensation or a special monthly pension. Veterans, surviving spouses and their parents are eligible for special monthly compensation if the veteran sustained a service-related disability, and the veteran requires the aid and attendance of a caregiver to assist with basic daily needs like personal hygiene, preparing meals, dressing and mobility around the home. A veteran or a surviving spouse is also eligible for special monthly compensation if they are housebound due to a documented disability.
Veterans and surviving spouses are eligible for special monthly pension benefits without having sustained a service-related disability. However, the applicant must show that they require the aid and attendance of a caregiver for basic needs and/or are housebound due to physical disability or impairment. The special monthly pension is a supplemental benefit in addition to Veteran Pension or Survivor benefits.
What is the Application Process?
Eligible veterans have several options when applying for benefits. They can apply in person at their local Veterans Administration office. They can also send a completed VA Form 21-2680 “Examination for Housebound Status or Permanent Need for Regular Aid and Attendance” to their state pension management center. VA-Form 21-2680 contains demographic information about the veteran and the claimant. Only the veteran and their spouse may apply for benefits. The veteran’s primary care physician must fill out the examination portion of the form certifying their disability.
If the veteran resides in a nursing home, he or she must also fill out a Request for Nursing Home Information in Connection with Claim or Attendance, or VA-Form 21-0779. This form asks the nursing home administrator to complete information about the claimant’s enrollment in Medicaid waiver benefits and indicate whether the claimant is receiving skilled nursing care or intermediate nursing care.
What Additional Information is Necessary?
Finally, the application should contain information about the veteran’s need for aid and assistance benefits, such as evidence of physical or cognitive disability. The VA also suggests that the applicant provide details about their day-to-day routine, including how they may require assistance completing errands, visiting the doctor, preparing meals or completing household tasks. These details are crucial in proving that you are entitled to aid and attendance benefits. Some applications could take up to a year to process, but benefits are retroactively applied based on eligibility. Our attorneys at Millhorn Elder Law Planning Group specialize in veteran’s aid and attendance applications and would be glad to assist you.
Contact The Villages Veterans Aid & Attendance Lawyers at Millhorn Elder Law Group
You worked hard for years and served your country valiantly. You deserve everything and more. Don’t leave your hard-earned benefits unclaimed. Our attorneys at Millhorn Elder Law Planning Group have experience in assisting veterans with aid and attendance benefits in addition to comprehensive estate planning needs.