Tag Archives: Florida Elder Planning

Watch for Signs of Caregiver Stress
Taking care of an elderly spouse or other relative is a stressful experience. Many caregivers suffer in silence, afraid to reach out for help as they put their own needs behind those of their loved one. Unfortunately, as doctors have been warning for years, being a caregiver is an exhausting experience. Many people will… Read More »

Protect Yourself From Common Financial Scams
Older Americans are ripe targets for all kinds of financial scams. Many have no spouse or adult children living with them, and they might be worried about falling sick and growing old. As a result, savvy scam artists prey on America’s seniors, hoping to hoodwink them into handing over their money. To protect yourself,… Read More »
Three Excuses Older Adults Give for Not Discussing Estate Planning
Sometimes the first call to an elder law attorney comes from a person who is not a senior at all. In fact, adult children often call seeking help for their parents or grandparents. Sometimes this is because the aging parent is physically or mentally unable to make decisions or take on the difficult process… Read More »
I Was Named the Executor? Now What?
If you are like most people, you may have not seen your parents’ wills. That is, of course, assuming they have wills. Likewise, you may have not asked your siblings, spouse or other loved ones if they would kindly let you inspect theirs either. Death and estate planning are difficult topics for most people… Read More »